Africa Center

A community of CSU faculty, students, community members, and African partners address issues of African biodiversity, conservation, health, and livelihoods.

The Africa Center focuses on innovative and interdisciplinary research that crosses conventional disciplines to tackle environmental and sustainability issues on the continent. Members are actively involved in research, education, and collaborative engagement between institutions in Africa and the U.S. to promote sustainable ecosystems and societies.

The Africa Center is the Rocky Mountain hub for research and engagement in Africa. To date it has supported student fellowships and numerous public involvement and engagement activities through cross campus, community coffees, Ale and Africa events, seminars, panels, lectures, and symposia on African issues.


  • Is a forum for issues of African biodiversity, conservation, and sustainability
  • Is a community of CSU and community members and African partners for research, education and engagement
  • Provides a platform for CSU faculty, students and community members to engage with one another on African issues
  • Links diverse types of knowledge (e.g., local, science) to identify and solve social and environmental problems
Ethiopian herding cows